Instructions: Pick ONE car by checking the box that says "Pick This Car!". When you are ready, click the BUILD IT button at the bottom of the page to see what your system looks like!
Professional Designers
These are the folks with the real know how when it comes to system design. They include Registered Civil Engineers (RCE), Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS), Registered Geologists, and Soil Scientists. Any one of these highly trained individuals may or may not have experience with OWTS design. As with any professional, be sure to check their specialty and qualifications.

Qualified Service Providers
There are many old and new advanced treatment technologies in use today. The Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT) has an excellent training program specifically developed for the QSP. Most manufacturers of advanced treatment technologies have additional training specific to their equipment. Be sure the QSP you are considering is properly trained and certified.