SepticGuy.com's goal is to create a fun, interactive, educational experience and provide valuable resources to help septic system owners make important decisions regarding their wastewater management needs.
In this website, you will find many playful pages to help you learn the basics of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). This is the fancy new name for septic systems. In addition, there are many links to other pages and sites with detailed information about a wide range of septic related issues.
Since the advent of the septic tank in 1895, people have gradually adopted a "flush and forget", "out of sight out of mind", "hole in the ground" attitude toward human waste management. This worked for a long time. Today's growing population, along with new scientific information about human waste, contamination of groundwater and surface waters, have created a whole new push to help people understand and find ways to deal with these concerns.
Many think that big pipe sewers are the answer. Think again! Septic systems (OWTS) allow water to be treated and recycled back into the surrounding environment where it belongs.
QUESTIONS: Just ask the SepticGuy!